Branden Lawless, born and raised in southeastern Kansas, is a first-year MFA candidate at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. After obtaining his BFA from Kansas State University in 2021, he would complete a post baccalaureate program at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. In 2019, Branden attended Lorenzo de’Medici, an international Italian institute in Florence, Italy. His semester abroad would influence a short-term residency at Studio Pescarella in Pietrasanta, Italy during the summer of 2022.

My ceramic work creates a narrative for my extraordinary world, Rat Bastard University. RBU is a cast of characters that is not your mothers art. They are unapologetically themselves, rebellious, mischievous, and flat-out bastards. While humorous, they portray the realities of youthful arrogance, love, addiction, and unconventional life experience. I like to think our world is colliding with RBU, and my works mirrors their universe and our own.


Drawing inspiration from aesthetics of fashion, animation, and pop culture, my objective is to create interactive work that evokes a sense of nostalgia and relatability. I use vibrant color palettes reminiscent of pop art, with contrasting grungy, raw-black mark making on top.


 While discovering an extensive history of my universe, I begin to create new narratives and accolades for Rat Bastard University through ceramics and screen printing. As I blur the line between reality and RBU, I invite the viewer to follow along with the methodical and deranged world.

Residency in Pietrasanta

  • Route to Happiness (2022)

    A sculpture dedicated to Lesley and friends of Olimagio Agriturismo.

  • Studio Pescarella (2022)

    While staying at Olimagio, I was working at Studio Pescarella in Pietrasanta. The studio has around 4-5 indefinant sculptors but at anytime can have up to 10 artists at a time.

  • Route to Happiness (2022)

    In the final position for this sculpture. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do this while at Studio Pescarella and Olimagio Agriturismo.

BFA Showcase 2021

  • legs (2021)

    Study of my legs, the bottom half of my first full body self portrait.

    Mixed Media on ceramics

  • Let me introduce myself (2021)

    25 self-portraits portraying different versions of myself. Each portrait is representational of heritage, influences, identity, and culture.

  • The original rat bastard (2021)

    One of many sculptures to come, of my alter ego, The Rat Bastard.